Skie's Room

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Stepping Stones [Skie]
Kaine McAllister 6 957 by Kaine McAllister
Sept 30, 2009 22:32:35 GMT -5


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Skie's Room
Skie’s room is a small space, but not uncomfortably so. The walls are painted a bright sky blue (as it is her favorite color) the carpet is a light cream, and the ceiling is a regular white. Adorning the walls are pictures she’s drawn while bored; they’re mostly of her team, whether they’re portraits, or scenes of them interacting. In one corner is a little TV with some ancient gaming system hooked up to it known as a Game Cube. On the opposite corner of the TV, there’s a twin sized bed with several non-matching (by non-matching I mean there’s a purple one, a green one, an orange one, and a blue one) blankets sitting on top, and the bed is usually never made up. There’s a tiny little nightstand next to the bed, and a small framed copy of a picture of her family long before the war sits there by itself. On the floor there are several large bean bags where both she and her Pokemon like to laze about, and also on the floor several books are strewn about (though some have been stacked up by the walls). Across from her bed on the wall beside the door is a dresser, filled with important things like clothes, a little locked chest with her money, and also a little stash of candy. As nice and homey as the room is, there are a few things odd about it. The first would be a long crack in the ceiling, caused by Skie’s Aerodactyl Rawk when he tried to stretch his wings out. The second is a black and gray scorch mark on wall beside the door where Brute, Skie’s Charizard, stood with his tail against it for too long. The last is a three clawed gash mark on the wall near the TV, where Skie’s Juraptix Engine slashed at the wall when she lost in a game on the Game Cube.
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