Michelle's Room

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newBookmarkLockedFalling The Outcome [Feng]
Mickey 1 773 by Faolan
Nov 19, 2009 11:49:04 GMT -5


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Michelle's Room
When first taking a stroll in the hallway, the door struck with the numbers 1 and 7 (17) doesn’t come out as extravagant. Really it isn’t. The numbers were recently installed, and the painting couldn’t possibly be older than a few months. But however being the private she is, Michelle was granted one of the smaller dorms. The room started out with two individual twin size beds that Michelle, over the course of living there, pushed together so she could have a bigger bed to sprawl herself out on. The room was already set with one walk in closet, two desks, and one dresser with five drawers. A bathroom with one shower head, a toilet, and a sink. Michelle doesn’t really believe in dressers, if anything she used the top drawer for Raisin’s homemade bed, but never for her own clothes. Her floor also had its own homemade carpet: Michelle’s garments. If it weren’t for a pile of Michelle’s countless tops and skinny jeans and then the opposite pile of her bras and panties, the floor would be a honey-stained hardwood. The desks in Michelle’s room are piled high with unread paperwork from Pravus, empty cigarette cartons, and random CD cases. (Located on the floor in the corner is Michelle’s boombox) To the left of Michelle’s bed is a sofa that when pulled out switch to a mattress, but it has never been used. The only thing sofa is used for is for more of Michelle’s clothes and CDs. Michelle’s bathroom contrasts with the messiness of the other room. It sparkles with spotless white counters and a blue linoleum floor. The mirror is always clear, and the cabinets always organized. It’s like the small things count in Michelle’s world.

Behind the sofa there is an average window that normally is never opened only unless Michelle wishes to climb through or not. Other than that it normally is covered with the maroon colored blinds.

The walls are a cream color.

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